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Last modified by teamwire001 on 2024/01/17 07:57
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... ... @@ -1,83 +1,84 @@ 1 -{{velocity}} 1 +(% class="row" %) 2 +((( 3 +(% class="col-xs-12 col-sm-2" %) 4 +((( 5 + 6 +))) 2 2 3 -#if ($isGuest) 8 +(% class="col-xs-12 col-sm-8" style="text-align:center" %) 9 +((( 10 +Make an easy transition to Teamwire with our user manuals and quick start guides. Comprehensive documentation and task-oriented how-tos help you to structure and manage Teamwire in our cloud and on your own server environment. Learn about new features and past changes of the Teamwire app and its backend from our changelogs. 11 +))) 4 4 5 -(% style="text-align:center" %)13 +(% class="col-xs-12 col-sm-2" %) 6 6 ((( 7 -(% class="lead" %) 8 -Find information and all documentation about the Teamwire apps, server and integrations. 15 + 16 +))) 17 +))) 9 9 10 -(% class="btn btn-twcollapsible" %) ((( (% class="lead" %)[[LOGIN>>path:${xwiki.getURL('XWiki.XWikiLogin', 'login')}]] ))) 11 - 12 12 ## ## 13 13 14 -## ## 15 - 16 -## ## 17 - 18 -(% class="lead" %) 19 -You don't have an account yet? 20 -[[Please register>>path:${xwiki.getURL('XWiki.XWikiRegister', 'register')}]] 21 - 22 -Please Note: 23 -You will be granted access to FAQs, changelogs and documentation manually by the Teamwire staff. 24 - 25 -For further questions please contact [[]]. 26 -))) 27 -#else 28 -#end 21 +{{velocity}} 29 29 #set ($usersGroup = $xwiki.getUser($xcontext.user).isUserInGroup('XWiki.00-user')) 30 30 #set ($customerGroup = $xwiki.getUser($xcontext.user).isUserInGroup('XWiki.01-customer')) 31 31 #set ($onpremiseGroup = $xwiki.getUser($xcontext.user).isUserInGroup('XWiki.02-onpremise')) 32 32 #set ($partnerGroup = $xwiki.getUser($xcontext.user).isUserInGroup('XWiki.03-partner')) 26 +#set ($marketingGroup = $xwiki.getUser($xcontext.user).isUserInGroup('XWiki.04-marketing')) 33 33 #set ($teamwireGroup = $xwiki.getUser($xcontext.user).isUserInGroup('XWiki.teamwire')) 34 34 #set($firstName = 35 35 $xwiki.getDocument($context.user).getObject('XWiki.XWikiUsers').getProperty('first_name').getValue()) 36 36 #set($lastName 37 37 = $xwiki.getDocument($context.user).getObject('XWiki.XWikiUsers').getProperty('last_name').getValue()) 38 -## Users 39 -#if($xwiki.getUser($xcontext.user).isUserInGroup('XWiki.00-user')) 40 40 41 -(% style="text-align:center" %) 33 +## ------------------- 34 +## start Marketing group view 35 +## ------------------- 36 +#if($xwiki.getUser($xcontext.user).isUserInGroup('XWiki.04-marketing') or $xwiki.getUser($xcontext.user).isUserInGroup('XWiki.teamwire')) 37 + 38 +(% class="row" %) 42 42 ((( 43 -= Further authorisation required = 44 44 45 -## ## 41 +(% class="col-xs-12 col-sm-2" %) 42 +((( 43 +))) 46 46 47 -(% class="lead" %) 48 -Hi $firstName! 45 +(% class="col-xs-12 col-sm-3" %) 46 +((( 47 += Sales & Marketing = 49 49 50 -(% class="lead" %) 51 -It seems you have not been granted the necessary access rights yet to see any FAQs, changelogs and documentation. 52 -The Teamwire staff will upgrade your account soon. 49 +{{documentTree showTranslations="false" showAttachments="false" root="document:xwiki:Marketing.WebHome" limit="6" compact="true"/}} 50 +))) 53 53 54 -For further questions please contact [[]]. 52 +(% class="col-xs-12 col-sm-2" %) 53 +((( 55 55 ))) 56 -#end 57 -## Customers 58 -#if($xwiki.getUser($xcontext.user).isUserInGroup('XWiki.01-customer') or $xwiki.getUser($xcontext.user).isUserInGroup('XWiki.teamwire')) 59 59 60 -(% style="text-align:center" %)56 +(% class="col-xs-12 col-sm-2" %) 61 61 ((( 62 - ## ##58 +))) 63 63 64 -## ## 60 +(% class="col-xs-12 col-sm-2" %) 61 +((( 62 +))) 65 65 66 -(% class="lead" %) 67 -Hi $firstName! 64 +(% class="col-xs-12 col-sm-1" %) 65 +((( 66 +))) 68 68 69 -(% class="lead" %) 70 -We are happy to see you around. What information are you looking for? 71 71 ))) 69 +## class="row" closed 72 72 73 -## ## 71 +#end 72 +## end Marketing group view 74 74 75 -## ## 74 +## ------------------- 75 +## start Guest view 76 +## ------------------- 77 +#if($isGuest) 76 76 77 -## ## 78 - 79 79 (% class="row" %) 80 80 ((( 81 + 81 81 (% class="col-xs-12 col-sm-2" %) 82 82 ((( 83 83 ))) ... ... @@ -84,74 +84,112 @@ 84 84 85 85 (% class="col-xs-12 col-sm-2" %) 86 86 ((( 87 -(% class="box infomessage" style="text-align:center" %) 88 += Getting Started = 89 + 90 +{{documentTree showTranslations="false" showAttachments="false" root="document:xwiki:Public.Getting-Started.WebHome" limit="6" compact="true"/}} 91 +))) 92 + 93 +(% class="col-xs-12 col-sm-2" %) 88 88 ((( 89 -{{html}} {{/html}}{{icon name=" fa-rocket" size="4x"}}{{/icon}} 90 -(% class="lead" %) 91 -[[**Getting Started**>>doc:Customer.01\. Getting Started.WebHome]] 95 += Applications = 92 92 93 -[[First steps and all basics 94 -to get Teamwire ready.>>doc:Customer.01\. Getting Started.WebHome]] 97 +{{documentTree showTranslations="false" showAttachments="false" root="document:xwiki:Public.Applications.WebHome" limit="6" compact="true"/}} 95 95 ))) 99 + 100 +(% class="col-xs-12 col-sm-2" %) 101 +((( 102 += Administration = 103 + 104 +**[[Login>>path:${xwiki.getURL('XWiki.XWikiLogin', 'login')}]] required** 105 + 106 +If you do not have an account 107 +yet, you can [[register here>>path:${xwiki.getURL('XWiki.XWikiRegister', 'register')}]] for free. 96 96 ))) 97 97 98 98 (% class="col-xs-12 col-sm-2" %) 99 99 ((( 100 -(% class="box infomessage" style="text-align:center" %) 112 += Integrations = 113 + 114 +**[[Login>>path:${xwiki.getURL('XWiki.XWikiLogin', 'login')}]] required** 115 + 116 +If you do not have an account 117 +yet, you can [[register here>>path:${xwiki.getURL('XWiki.XWikiRegister', 'register')}]] for free. 118 +))) 119 + 120 +(% class="col-xs-12 col-sm-2" %) 101 101 ((( 102 -{{html}} {{/html}}{{icon name="mobile" size="4x"}}{{/icon}} 103 -(% class="lead" %) 104 -[[**Apps**>>doc:Customer.02\. Apps.WebHome]] 122 +))) 105 105 106 -[[User manuals, guides and 107 -changelogs for all apps.>>doc:Customer.02\. Apps.WebHome]] 108 108 ))) 125 +## class="row" closed 126 + 127 +#end 128 +## end Guest view 129 + 130 +## ------------------- 131 +## start User group view 132 +## ------------------- 133 +#if($xwiki.getUser($xcontext.user).isUserInGroup('XWiki.00-user')) 134 + 135 +(% class="row" %) 136 +((( 137 + 138 +(% class="col-xs-12 col-sm-2" %) 139 +((( 109 109 ))) 110 110 111 111 (% class="col-xs-12 col-sm-2" %) 112 112 ((( 113 -(% class="box infomessage" style="text-align:center" %) 144 += Getting Started = 145 + 146 +{{documentTree showTranslations="false" showAttachments="false" root="document:xwiki:Public.Getting-Started.WebHome" limit="6" compact="true"/}} 147 +))) 148 + 149 +(% class="col-xs-12 col-sm-2" %) 114 114 ((( 115 -{{html}} {{/html}}{{icon name=" fa-lock" size="4x"}}{{/icon}} 116 -(% class="lead" %) 117 -[[**Administration**>>doc:Customer.03\. Administration.WebHome]] 151 += Applications = 118 118 119 -[[Provisioning, permissions, 120 -restrictions and policies.>>doc:Customer.03\. Administration.WebHome]] 153 +{{documentTree showTranslations="false" showAttachments="false" root="document:xwiki:Public.Applications.WebHome" limit="6" compact="true"/}} 121 121 ))) 155 + 156 +(% class="col-xs-12 col-sm-2" %) 157 +((( 158 += Administration = 159 + 160 +**Approval pending** 161 + 162 +Please do have a little patience 163 +until all functions are available. 122 122 ))) 123 123 124 124 (% class="col-xs-12 col-sm-2" %) 125 125 ((( 126 -(% class="box infomessage" style="text-align:center" %) 127 -((( 128 -{{icon name=" fa-cogs" size="4x"}}{{/icon}} 129 -(% class="lead" %) 130 -[[**Integrations**>>doc:Customer.04\. Integrations.WebHome]] 168 += Integrations = 131 131 132 -[[SDK and API for Teamwire 133 -apps and Dashboard.>>doc:Customer.04\. Integrations.WebHome]] 170 +**Approval pending** 171 + 172 +Please do have a little patience 173 +until all functions are available. 134 134 ))) 135 -))) 136 136 137 137 (% class="col-xs-12 col-sm-2" %) 138 138 ((( 139 139 ))) 179 + 140 140 ))) 181 +## class="row" closed 182 + 141 141 #end 142 -## On-Premise 143 -#if($xwiki.getUser($xcontext.user).isUserInGroup('XWiki.02-onpremise') or $xwiki.getUser($xcontext.user).isUserInGroup('XWiki.teamwire')) 184 +## end User group view 144 144 145 -## ## 186 +## ------------------- 187 +## start Customer group view 188 +## ------------------- 189 +#if($xwiki.getUser($xcontext.user).isUserInGroup('XWiki.01-customer') or $xwiki.getUser($xcontext.user).isUserInGroup('XWiki.teamwire')) 146 146 147 -## ## 148 - 149 -## ## 150 - 151 -## ## 152 - 153 153 (% class="row" %) 154 154 ((( 193 + 155 155 (% class="col-xs-12 col-sm-2" %) 156 156 ((( 157 157 ))) ... ... @@ -158,44 +158,90 @@ 158 158 159 159 (% class="col-xs-12 col-sm-2" %) 160 160 ((( 200 += Getting Started = 201 + 202 +{{documentTree showTranslations="false" showAttachments="false" root="document:xwiki:Public.Getting-Started.WebHome" limit="6" compact="true"/}} 161 161 ))) 162 162 163 163 (% class="col-xs-12 col-sm-2" %) 164 164 ((( 165 -(% class="box infomessage" style="text-align:center" %) 207 += Applications = 208 + 209 +{{documentTree showTranslations="false" showAttachments="false" root="document:xwiki:Public.Applications.WebHome" limit="6" compact="true"/}} 210 +))) 211 + 212 +(% class="col-xs-12 col-sm-2" %) 166 166 ((( 167 -{{html}} {{/html}}{{icon name=" fa-download" size="4x"}}{{/icon}} 168 -(% class="lead" %) 169 -[[**Server 170 -Installation**>>doc:OnPremise.01\. Server Installation.WebHome]] 214 += Administration = 171 171 172 -[[Install and maintain 173 -your on-premise setup.>>doc:OnPremise.01\. Server Installation.WebHome]] 216 +{{documentTree showTranslations="false" showAttachments="false" root="document:xwiki:Customer.Administration.WebHome" limit="6" compact="true"/}} 174 174 ))) 218 + 219 +(% class="col-xs-12 col-sm-2" %) 220 +((( 221 += Integrations = 222 + 223 +{{documentTree showTranslations="false" showAttachments="false" root="document:xwiki:Customer.Integrations.WebHome" limit="6" compact="true"/}} 175 175 ))) 176 176 177 177 (% class="col-xs-12 col-sm-2" %) 178 178 ((( 179 -(% class="box infomessage" style="text-align:center" %) 228 +))) 229 + 230 +))) 231 +## class="row" closed 232 + 233 +#end 234 +## end Customer group view 235 + 236 +## ------------------- 237 +## start On-Premise group view 238 +## ------------------- 239 +#if($xwiki.getUser($xcontext.user).isUserInGroup('XWiki.02-onpremise') or $xwiki.getUser($xcontext.user).isUserInGroup('XWiki.teamwire')) 240 + 241 +(% class="row" %) 180 180 ((( 181 -{{html}} {{/html}}{{icon name=" fa-table" size="4x"}}{{/icon}} 182 -(% class="lead" %) 183 -[[**Teamwire 184 -API List**>>doc:OnPremise.04\. Teamwire API List.WebHome]] 185 185 186 - [[CheckTeamwireapp and187 - backend compatibility.>>doc:OnPremise.04\. Teamwire API List.WebHome]]244 +(% class="col-xs-12 col-sm-2" %) 245 +((( 188 188 ))) 247 + 248 +(% class="col-xs-12 col-sm-2" %) 249 +((( 250 += On-Premise = 251 + 252 +{{documentTree showTranslations="false" edges="true" showAttachments="false" root="document:xwiki:OnPremise.WebHome" limit="6" compact="true"/}} 189 189 ))) 254 +#end 255 +## end On-Premise group view 190 190 257 +## ------------------- 258 +## start Partner group view 259 +## ------------------- 260 +#if($xwiki.getUser($xcontext.user).isUserInGroup('XWiki.03-partner') or $xwiki.getUser($xcontext.user).isUserInGroup('XWiki.teamwire')) 191 191 (% class="col-xs-12 col-sm-2" %) 192 192 ((( 263 += Partner Data = 264 + 265 +{{documentTree showTranslations="false" showAttachments="false" root="document:xwiki:Partner.WebHome" limit="6" compact="true"/}} 193 193 ))) 194 194 195 195 (% class="col-xs-12 col-sm-2" %) 196 196 ((( 197 197 ))) 271 + 272 +(% class="col-xs-12 col-sm-2" %) 273 +((( 198 198 ))) 275 + 276 +))) 277 +## class="row" closed 278 + 199 199 #end 280 +## end Partner group view 200 200 282 +## ## 283 + 284 +## ## 285 + 201 201 {{/velocity}}