
Last modified by teamwire003 on 2023/11/17 10:02

API 18


Nov 17, 2023


  • The Login Button of the web client will just be enabled if both, email and password fields are not empty

API 17


Apr 14, 2022


  • When a chat title was changed via web client, it may appear as encrypted text on other client’s push notifications


Sep 21, 2022


  • We’ve substituted the reaction buttons of the Alert messages (OK/SOS) by checkmark and red cross icons ✅ ❌
  • Add more value to your attention messages adding an attachment. You can now attach to them a photo, video, file and link.
  • View areas on maps: When a Location or Live Location is shared via a mobile Teamwire app, your colleagues are able to show specific areas by drawing them directly on the map in their mobile app.


  • Saving an image on MS Edge via right-click provided text file instead of image file
  • In case of a too long name the menu buttons disappeared
  • Other small UI adjustments

API 16


Teamwire Cloud only
Jul 13, 2022


  • Fixed a crash happening when opening a group chat with specific circles


May 16, 2022


  • You can now "Join" ongoing calls you were invited to in case you missed the initial ring or were busy on another conversation


  • Sometimes the system message about a missed call was not properly shown in a chat
  • The app continued to ring when the user answered the call via another app client


Apr 27, 2022


  • Voice and video group calls
    You can have voice and video calls in group chats with several users. This feature must be enabled by your admin.
  • Added the option to modify your video background during the call
  • Added the option to share your screen during calls
  • Smaller VoIP improvements
  • The public phone number in your profile will no longer support special characters (except "+" for the country code) and whitespaces
  • Improved search results in attention messages for better legibility
  • Added support for locations and attention messages in federated chats


  • Fixed some non-appealing details in the push notifications
  • Fixed some German system messages
  • Federated users from another backend could be added from to a "List" in one's directory
  • Circles were not displayed in the directory, if they contained more users than the max. number of members allowed per chat
  • Client stopped sending and receiving new messages after a VoIP call had been finished
  • Unread messages badge in the inbox was sometimes incorrect for federated chats
  • Various smaller UI fixes


Dec 03, 2021


  • Federated chats
    The Web Client now supports federated chats. With federated chats, you can start conversations with users from other Teamwire Servers. The availability of chat participants is limited to contacts and circles that have been enabled for federated usage. More information about Teamwire Federation are available here.
  • Federated contacts and circles
    The directory will list federated contacts and circles, if you have been enabled for federated usage. They will show the Teamwire Federation icon and their associated backend name. More information about Teamwire Federation are available here.
  • Private voice and video calls
    You can have voice and video calls in 1:1 chats. Make sure to allow your browser to use your camera and microphone.
  • You can now record voice messages and send them to the current chat
  • Consecutive audio files will automatically be played in a row
  • System messages will show time stamps
  • Some UI improvements on attention messages
  • The message preview in notifications is now pruned to 100 characters
  • Removed old strings


  • The badge of "unread messages" would show unread messages of already archived chats
  • System messages in broadcast chats were not properly seen
  • System messages would unarchive already archived chats
  • Fixed and added some translations in regards of attention messages
  • The chat would not autom. scroll down to newly received messages if the read receipts section was not visible
  • Various UI improvements when the text input is expanded
  • Fixed VoIP feature configurations

API 15


Jun 17, 2021


  • The "Change password" dialogue has been reworked
  • Forwarded messages are visually highlighted


Jun 14, 2021


  • Only chat admins of a broadcast chat can view the member list


  • Chats removed by the retention period were still displayed in the Inbox and could therefore cause problems


May 17, 2021


  • Do not allow to create chats larger than the maximum size set on dashboard
  • Maps and locations now use OpenMaps


  • Chat view: Unresponded alerts banner is not displayed after logging in
  • Chat view: Loading wheel sometimes did not hide on attachments
  • Messages were not sent under certain circumstances
  • Some chat titles were not properly displayed / unencoded
  • Clicking on a reply did not go to the original message if the message was not loaded


Apr 07, 2021


  • Upgrade to API v15
  • Attention messages
    New message types join our Alert feature: Announcement and Note
    Use these message types to highlight important information and get other user's attention. Members of the chat are able to respond by choosing from a range of reactions.
    As creater of an attention message, easily check for feedback with the new Activity menu.
  • Support of new Password Policies
    Meet the requirements defined by Teamwire admins when setting a new password, e.g. min. length and use of characters.
    Your Teamwire admins can now force you to change the current password.
  • Members per chat
    The Web Client will respect the max. amount of members per chat configured in the Teamwire Dashboard.
  • Add emojis to your text by typing its associated shortcut (e.g. :wink:)
  • The inbox badge will now show the number of unread messages instead of the amount of chats that have unread messages
  • Images can now be attached by pasting them from the clipboard
  • The quote of a replied-to message has been re-designed
  • Media Overview added: Look for all attachments sent in the current chat
  • Search added: Look for messages sent in the current chat
  • In-chat size of images and videos is now scaled automatically
  • Various visual improvements
  • Further improvements preventing the chat view to jump upwards when opening a chat


  • Messages are marked as read while on another browser tab or app window
  • Chats will not re-appear when receiving new messages, if they have been hidden due to Dashboard message retention period
  • Chat members additionally added show up multiple times
  • Unintentional wordwraps
  • App crashes when creating new chat

API 14


Dec 17, 2020


  • Redesigned workspace
  • Add health endpoint for detector online/offline
  • Convert 1:1 chat to group chat
  • Message list component
    This will help handle missing or unpleasent behaviour, like
    • view will scroll to the original message when a quoted text is clicked
    • view of the chat will no longer jump upwards when opening a chat
    • view of chat will no longer auto-scroll down as soon as you receive a new message


  • Group chat actions can be performed in a 1:1 chat (e.g. change title)
  • Smaller UI isses with other user's profile
  • Broadcast mode - text field showing wrong info when chat is empty
  • Picture in profile of other users missing
  • Group chats are being reused when they should not
  • Messages type menu
  • The max. of 2500 users could be exceeded on lists/groups/chats
  • Unread message counter showing unread messages by mistake
  • Reply field was not properly seen
  • Wrong system message was shown when changing a title
  • 1:1 chat offers options to "leave"/"close" chat
  • Wrong file name displayed if file has no extension
  • Emoji picker
  • Button to create broadcast chat was disabled
  • Retention period not being applied correctly
  • Wrong ordering for older chats
  • Other user's profile pictures would not be updated within the same session


Oct 26, 2020


  • Convert 1:1 chat into group conversation
    We brought back the eagerly awaited feature to extend a 1:1 chat into a group conversation. If you want to add more contacts to your 1:1 chat, go to the Chat Settings and tap Convert into Group chat.
  • Search results in inbox are grouped by chat titles, contacts, and message contents


  • Behaviour of existing chats when a circle was deleted on the Dashboard
  • Horizontal scroll on very long links
  • Avatars on chat view
  • Some issues with read receipts not showing under certain circumstances
  • Emoji picker was not automatically closed when the message was sent
  • A chat with 1 circle added is recognised as 1:1 chat and reused


Sep 25, 2020


  • If the web client feature is disabled (see release notes "Dashboard" above), a message is shown accordingly when entering the web client URL in the browser
  • Added banner for unrespondend alerts
  • Increased max. member volume of chat to 2500
  • Polls can be closed whitout reload
  • Alerts quick responses are text now
  • If Open-In permission is disabled, the full view of an image will no longer allow right-clicking to save it
  • Handle offline connection and resume sync
  • Added label for external contacts
  • Support for drag and drop attachments
  • The currently active chat has now a more prominent style
  • Request to re-use a chat will no longer be asked


  • Specific combination of text and line breaks overlapping time stamps
  • Allow NotificationPreview permission did not work properly
  • Oneself was displayed twice on lists
  • Add/Delete user from group conversations was not working properly
  • Wiped/Revoked/Deleted session were not handled properly
  • Editing profile details (email/phone) in own profile was not available
  • Videos in portrait format were not shown correctly
  • Alert summary
  • Forwarding attachments. Some file types could not be forwarded properly
  • Diverse styles


Aug 18, 2020

  • New API v14
  • Added the feature to delete a message
  • Delete messages
  • Now the users can disable read receipt
  • Users can send polls and live location
  • New profile section
  • Users can block other users
  • Added App Settings
  • Now the users can review the alerts summary
  • Fixed a crash when a user enters in a chat
  • Forward attachments
  • Fixed styles for voice messages
  • Fix block/unblock users
  • Disable read receipt permission
  • Rename Groups to Circles
  • Improve general performance

API 13


Mar 05, 2020

  • Support Public Groups
  • Close Chat feature
  • Allow or disable copy/paste permission
  • Small bugfixes and improve performance

API 12


Dec 05, 2019

  • Open images and videos in full screen
  • Download images and videos
  • Bugfixes and performance improvements


Nov 20, 2019

  • Bugfixes and performance improvements


Oct 23, 2019

  • Redesign Profile View
  • Redesign Inbox View
  • Redesign Chat View
  • Redesign Create Chat View
  • New Session View, where all open session can be managed


Aug 01, 2019

  • Upgraded to v1.9.0
  • Retention policy
  • Request Assets when they are in the view
  • Sort users on list thread users
  • Avatar requests and performance
  • Create and delete groups
  • Inbox, Contacts and Groups filtering
  • Add Readers List
  • Chat View Performance
  • Limit chats to 1250 members


Jun 24, 2019

  • Upgraded to v1.8.0
  • Improved login time


Jun 12, 2019

  • upgraded to v1.6.1


Apr 30, 2019

  • Integrated a Web Client