Wiki source code of Guides

Version 1.12 by teamwire001 on 2021/01/28 16:11

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teamwire001 1.1 1 (% class="lead" %)
2 General
teamwire001 1.6 4 * [[Registration>>doc:Customer.03\. Administration.Registration.WebHome]]
teamwire001 1.5 5 * [[External Users / Users without Email Addresses>>doc:Customer.03\. Administration.External User Guide.WebHome]]
teamwire001 1.2 6 * [[MDM Configuration>>doc:Customer.03\. Administration.Mobile App.MDM Configuration.WebHome]]
teamwire001 1.8 7 ## ##
teamwire001 1.1 8
9 (% class="lead" %)
10 iOS
teamwire001 1.4 12 * [[Quick Start: App Setup>>doc:Customer.02\. Apps.iOS.Quick Start\: App Setup.WebHome]]
13 * [[Quick Start: Key Features>>doc:Customer.02\. Apps.iOS.Quick Start\: Key Features.WebHome]]
teamwire001 1.3 14 * [[Resign iOS App>>doc:Customer.03\. Administration.Mobile App.Resign iOS App.WebHome]]
teamwire001 1.8 15 ## ##
teamwire001 1.1 16
17 (% class="lead" %)
18 Android
teamwire001 1.4 20 * [[Quick Start: App Setup>>doc:Customer.02\. Apps.Android.Quick Start\: App Setup.WebHome]]
21 * [[Quick Start: Key Features>>doc:Customer.02\. Apps.Android.Quick Start\: Key Features.WebHome]]
teamwire001 1.8 22 ## ##
teamwire001 1.1 23
teamwire001 1.8 24 {{velocity}}
25 ## On-Premise
26 #if($xwiki.getUser($xcontext.user).isUserInGroup('XWiki.02-onpremise') or $xwiki.getUser($xcontext.user).isUserInGroup('XWiki.teamwire'))
27 (% class="lead" %)
teamwire001 1.9 28 On-Premise
teamwire001 1.8 29
teamwire001 1.12 30 * How-to: [[Configure Archives Admin>>doc:OnPremise.05\. How-tos.Configure Archives Admin.WebHome]]
teamwire001 1.11 31 * How-to: [[Generate Report File>>doc:OnPremise.05\. How-tos.Generate Report File.WebHome]]
teamwire001 1.12 32 * How-to: [[Migrate to Docker Harbor>>doc:OnPremise.05\. How-tos.Migrate to Docker Harbor.WebHome]]
33 * How-to: [[Migrate to GPG2>>doc:OnPremise.05\. How-tos.Migrate to GPG2.WebHome]]
teamwire001 1.11 34 * How-to: [[Unseal Vault>>doc:OnPremise.05\. How-tos.Vault\: Unseal.WebHome]]
teamwire001 1.12 35 * How-to: [[Verify OCSP Stapling>>doc:OnPremise.05\. How-tos.Verify OCSP Stapling.WebHome]]
teamwire001 1.8 36
37 #end
38 {{/velocity}}
teamwire001 1.9 39
40 ## ##