9. Find app version
Last modified by teamwire001 on 2024/12/23 09:36
Version in app
If you are already logged in, open the drop-down menu next to your name and select App settings. You will find the installed Teamwire version in the lower-left corner.
Please read below how to check the installed app version if you are not logged in with a user account yet.
Version before login
If you are not logged in with a user account yet, you can find the version number, based on the operating system, as follows.
- Open the Windows Settings ( WIN + I )
- Windows 10: Go to Apps
- Windows 11: Go to Apps > Installed Apps
- Search for Teamwire
- The installed Teamwire version will be displayed. On Windows 10, please click on the app's name to see the version number.
- Start the Teamwire app
- In the app menu bar, select Teamwire > About Teamwire
- The installed Teamwire version will be displayed in a new window
On Debian / Ubuntu, you can get the installed Teamwire version with the following command:
sudo dpkg -l | grep teamwire
On Fedora / RHEL, you can get the installed Teamwire version with the following command:
dnf info teamwire