Version 1.1 by teamwire001 on 2021/06/10 09:56
API 15
May 17, 2021
- Do not allow to create chats larger than the maximum size set on dashboard
- Maps and locations now use OpenMaps
- Chat view: Unresponded alerts banner is not displayed after logging in
- Chat view: Loading wheel sometimes did not hide on attachments
- Messages were not sent under certain circumstances
- Some chat titles were not properly displayed / unencoded
- Clicking on a reply did not go to the original message if the message was not loaded
Apr 07, 2021
- Upgrade to API v15
- Attention messages
New message types join our Alert feature: Announcement and Note
Use these message types to highlight important information and get other user's attention. Members of the chat are able to respond by choosing from a range of reactions.
As creater of an attention message, easily check for feedback with the new Activity menu. - Support of new Password Policies
Meet the requirements defined by Teamwire admins when setting a new password, e.g. min. length and use of characters.
Your Teamwire admins can now force you to change the current password. - Members per chat
The Web Client will respect the max. amount of members per chat configured in the Teamwire Dashboard. - Add emojis to your text by typing its associated shortcut (e.g. :wink:)
- The inbox badge will now show the number of unread messages instead of the amount of chats that have unread messages
- Images can now be attached by pasting them from the clipboard
- The quote of a replied-to message has been re-designed
- Media Overview added: Look for all attachments sent in the current chat
- Search added: Look for messages sent in the current chat
- In-chat size of images and videos is now scaled automatically
- Various visual improvements
- Further improvements preventing the chat view to jump upwards when opening a chat
- Messages are marked as read while on another browser tab or app window
- Chats will not re-appear when receiving new messages, if they have been hidden due to Dashboard message retention period
- Chat members additionally added show up multiple times
- Unintentional wordwraps
- App crashes when creating new chat
API 14
Dec 17, 2020
- Redesigned workspace
- Add health endpoint for detector online/offline
- Convert 1:1 chat to group chat
- Message list component
This will help handle missing or unpleasent behaviour, like- view will scroll to the original message when a quoted text is clicked
- view of the chat will no longer jump upwards when opening a chat
- view of chat will no longer auto-scroll down as soon as you receive a new message
- Group chat actions can be performed in a 1:1 chat (e.g. change title)
- Smaller UI isses with other user's profile
- Broadcast mode - text field showing wrong info when chat is empty
- Picture in profile of other users missing
- Group chats are being reused when they should not
- Messages type menu
- The max. of 2500 users could be exceeded on lists/groups/chats
- Unread message counter showing unread messages by mistake
- Reply field was not properly seen
- Wrong system message was shown when changing a title
- 1:1 chat offers options to "leave"/"close" chat
- Wrong file name displayed if file has no extension
- Emoji picker
- Button to create broadcast chat was disabled
- Retention period not being applied correctly
- Wrong ordering for older chats
- Other user's profile pictures would not be updated within the same session
Oct 26, 2020
- Convert 1:1 chat into group conversation
We brought back the eagerly awaited feature to extend a 1:1 chat into a group conversation. If you want to add more contacts to your 1:1 chat, go to the Chat Settings and tap Convert into Group chat. - Search results in inbox are grouped by chat titles, contacts, and message contents
- Behaviour of existing chats when a circle was deleted on the Dashboard
- Horizontal scroll on very long links
- Avatars on chat view
- Some issues with read receipts not showing under certain circumstances
- Emoji picker was not automatically closed when the message was sent
- A chat with 1 circle added is recognised as 1:1 chat and reused
Sep 25, 2020
- If the web client feature is disabled (see release notes "Dashboard" above), a message is shown accordingly when entering the web client URL in the browser
- Added banner for unrespondend alerts
- Increased max. member volume of chat to 2500
- Polls can be closed whitout reload
- Alerts quick responses are text now
- If Open-In permission is disabled, the full view of an image will no longer allow right-clicking to save it
- Handle offline connection and resume sync
- Added label for external contacts
- Support for drag and drop attachments
- The currently active chat has now a more prominent style
- Request to re-use a chat will no longer be asked
- Specific combination of text and line breaks overlapping time stamps
- Allow NotificationPreview permission did not work properly
- Oneself was displayed twice on lists
- Add/Delete user from group conversations was not working properly
- Wiped/Revoked/Deleted session were not handled properly
- Editing profile details (email/phone) in own profile was not available
- Videos in portrait format were not shown correctly
- Alert summary
- Forwarding attachments. Some file types could not be forwarded properly
- Diverse styles
Aug 18, 2020
- New API v14
- Added the feature to delete a message
- Delete messages
- Now the users can disable read receipt
- Users can send polls and live location
- New profile section
- Users can block other users
- Added App Settings
- Now the users can review the alerts summary
- Fixed a crash when a user enters in a chat
- Forward attachments
- Fixed styles for voice messages
- Fix block/unblock users
- Disable read receipt permission
- Rename Groups to Circles
- Improve general performance
API 13
Mar 05, 2020
- Support Public Groups
- Close Chat feature
- Allow or disable copy/paste permission
- Small bugfixes and improve performance
API 12
Dec 05, 2019
- Open images and videos in full screen
- Download images and videos
- Bugfixes and performance improvements
Nov 20, 2019
- Bugfixes and performance improvements
Oct 23, 2019
- Redesign Profile View
- Redesign Inbox View
- Redesign Chat View
- Redesign Create Chat View
- New Session View, where all open session can be managed
Aug 01, 2019
- Upgraded to v1.9.0
- Retention policy
- Request Assets when they are in the view
- Sort users on list thread users
- Avatar requests and performance
- Create and delete groups
- Inbox, Contacts and Groups filtering
- Add Readers List
- Chat View Performance
- Limit chats to 1250 members
Jun 24, 2019
- Upgraded to v1.8.0
- Improved login time
Jun 12, 2019
- upgraded to v1.6.1
Apr 30, 2019
- Integrated a Web Client