3. Advanced Configurations

Version 2.1 by teamwire003 on 2023/11/07 14:34

Desktop 4.0.0 or newer

These settings are accessible during the Login and Registration process.


If required, please enter the custom backend hostname here. You must not enter the protocol or path but the hostname only. It is recommended to add this information in order to speed up the process and prevent registration failures.

If your organisation is using the Teamwire Cloud Backend, please enter backend.teamwire.eu.

Proxy URL

In order to work properly with a proxy server, Teamwire needs your proxy to support the HTTP CONNECT method, the HTTP Upgrade mechanism and has to allow all Sec-Websocket-* headers.

Please enter the complete URL incl. protocol (e.g. http  or  https) and port. The different types of proxy and their syntaxes are explained down below. For the following example we assume the proxy is running on a host named  your-proxy.com  with port  9000. If your proxy needs basic HTTPS authentication, the credentials can be included in the URL as shown.

  • HTTPS Proxy
  • PAC Proxy

Until Desktop 3.4.2

These settings are accessible during the Login and Registration process or later by opening the app's Settings > Advanced options.

Backend hostname

If required, please enter the custom backend hostname here. You must not enter the protocol or path but the hostname only. It is recommended to add this information in order to speed up the process and prevent registration failures.

If your organisation is using the Teamwire Cloud Backend, please enter backend.teamwire.eu.

Proxy server

In order to work properly with a proxy server, Teamwire needs your proxy to support the HTTP CONNECT method, the HTTP Upgrade mechanism and has to allow all Sec-Websocket-* headers.

Apply proxy URL

Please enter the complete URL incl. protocol (e.g. http  or  https) and port. The different types of proxy and their syntaxes are explained down below. For the following example we assume the proxy is running on a host named  your-proxy.com  with port  9000. If your proxy needs basic HTTPS or SOCKS-5 authentication, the credentials can be included in the URL as shown.

  • HTTPS Proxy
  • SOCKS-5 Proxy
  • SOCKS-4 Proxy
  • PAC Proxy

Use system proxy

If the proxy data are already provided to the (Windows) system, you can select Use system proxy to apply the operating system's internet settings.

Server certificate

If the backend server uses a self-signed certificate or if it is signed by a Certificate Authority (CA), that is not well known, you will have to provide the certificate chain.

Choose custom certificate file

Click the button and select the file containing the server's certificate chain (format: PEM) via the file explorer.

Please make sure to use the unix line feed  LF  on your certificate. Any other control characters like  CR  or Windows'  CR LF  will not be valid.

Also note, that the path used to refer to your certificate must not contain any spaces.

Use system certificate chain (Windows)

Select this option if the custom certificate has been applied to the Microsoft Management Console. Teamwire will automatically check the so-called Certificate Trust Store for any necessary information.