4. Windows Install Options

Version 2.2 by teamwire003 on 2024/11/29 16:54

Desktop 4.0.0 or newer

Microsoft Windows Installer is an installation and configuration service provided with Windows. It allows to run processes with the Windows command msiexec.

This command can be used, for example, to install Teamwire without any user interaction in quiet mode. Or to define the installation contexts.

Silent installation

The msiexec display options allow a quiet installation. All available parameters can be found here: Microsoft > msiexec > Display options

To install the Teamwire app quietly, use the following command and parameters:

msiexec.exe /i <path_to_package> /qn

Example: msiexec.exe /i "C:\Users\USERNAME\Downloads\teamwire-setup.msi" /qn

Silent deinstallation

The msiexec display options allow a quiet deinstallation. All available parameters can be found here: Microsoft > msiexec > Display options

To deinstall the Teamwire app quietly, use the following command and parameters:

msiexec.exe /x <path_to_package> /qn

The MSI file path required for the deinstallation depends on your data management.

Example A: msiexec.exe /x "C:\Users\USERNAME\Downloads\teamwire-setup.msi" /qn
The file which was also used during the installation has remained in its directory.

Example B: msiexec.exe /x "C:\Windows\Installer\34237a6a.msi" /qn
You use the MSI file cached by the system. By default, it's stored under %SystemRoot%\Installer.

Installation context

Windows Installer can install a package on a computer into two installation contexts: per-machine and per-user.

A per-machine installation of the package is required to enable all users of the computer to access and use the application. Because a per-machine installation makes changes to the system that affect all users, administrative permissions are required. Further information available here: Microsoft > Windows Installer > Installation context

Per user

By default, the package is installed in the per-user installation context. The following command performs the per-user installation:

msiexec.exe /i <path_to_package>

Teamwire will be installed to the following directory: %LOCALAPPDATA%\Programs\Teamwire

Per machine

To install the package in the per-machine installation context, the ALLUSERS parameter is required. The following command performs the per-machine installation:

msiexec.exe /i <path_to_package> ALLUSERS=1

Teamwire will be installed to the following directory: C:\Program Files\Teamwire

Custom installation directory

You can define a custom directory for the Teamwire app installation with the following parameters:

msiexec.exe /i <path_to_package> APPLICATIONFOLDER=<absolute_application_path>

Example: msiexec.exe /i "C:\Users\USERNAME\Downloads\teamwire-setup.msi" APPLICATIONFOLDER="C:\Teamwire"

Until Desktop 3.4.2

You can install Teamwire in silent mode from a command line to avoid user interaction during the process.

Therefore the command syntax is

start "" /WAIT Teamwire-setup_XXX.exe /S [optional parameters] /D=<path>


Please enter the path to the Teamwire setup file and use the option  /D  to define a directory in which Teamwire is going to install its further contents.


start "" /WAIT Teamwire-setup_1.10.0.exe /S /D=C:\Program Files (x86)\Teamwire\


Please note, /D  must be the last parameter used in the command line and must not contain any quotation marks even if the path contains spaces.


An app shortcut will be created automatically and can be found in the Teamwire software directory.

The shortcut's target for the default installation is  "<app_directory>\Teamwire\nw.exe" "<app_directory>\Teamwire\app"

Optional parameters

The following parameters are optional and support additional settings to be enabled during the installation.

Furthermore, please note that the  /D  option must be the last parameter used in the command line and must not contain any quotation marks even if the path contains spaces.

Roaming User Directory


By default, the user's data is written to the  %LOCALAPPDATA%  directory ( ..\AppData\Local\ ).

In some corporate and virtual environments, a folder's content is deleted when the session is closed. In order to write into  %APPDATA%  directory ( ..\AppData\Roaming\ ) , please add the  /APPDATA=TRUE  argument to your command.


start "" /WAIT Teamwire-setup_1.10.0.exe /S /APPDATA=TRUE /D=C:\Program Files (x86)\Teamwire\


An app shortcut will be created automatically and can be found in the Teamwire software directory.

The shortcut's target incl. the roaming directory is  "<app_directory>\Teamwire\nw.exe" "<app_directory>\Teamwire\app" --user-data-dir=%APPDATA%/Teamwire

Custom User Directory


In case you need to store your user data to a different location due to your network environment or retention policies for local data, you are able to define a custom path (e.g. mapped home directory for your users) with the parameter  /USERDATADIR. You will have to put the path in quotation marks.

The customised directories will not be created until the first run and registration. Please note, that despite the custom path of user data the original directories ( %LOCALAPPDATA%\Teamwire\User Data\Default\ ) will still be created but do not contain any data.


start "" /WAIT Teamwire-setup_1.10.0.exe /S /USERDATADIR="H:\TeamwireData\" /D=C:\Program Files (x86)\Teamwire\


An app shortcut will be created automatically and can be found in the Teamwire software directory.

The shortcut's target incl. the customised directory is  "<app_directory>\Teamwire\nw.exe" "<app_directory>\Teamwire\app" --user-data-dir="<userdata_directory>\Teamwire"

Run on Startup


With this parameter you enable the feature to run Teamwire on Windows startup.


start "" /WAIT Teamwire-setup_1.10.0.exe /S /STARTUP=TRUE /D=C:\Program Files (x86)\Teamwire\


Silent Deinstallation

You can deinstall Teamwire in silent mode from a command line to avoid user interaction during the process.

Therefore the command syntax is

start "" /WAIT "<path>\uninstall.exe" /S

Enter the path to the uninstalling file, which is located in the Teamwire root directory. You will have to put the path in quotation marks.

Example:  start "" /WAIT "C:\Program Files (x86)\Teamwire\uninstall.exe" /S

Please note, the user data is not being removed for all users but the user performing the local deinstallation.