E. Supported Attachments
Last modified by teamwire001 on 2024/12/12 14:39
All supported attachments per Teamwire platform.
iOS App | Android App | Desktop App 4 | Desktop App 3.4.3 | Web Client | |
Max. file size | 1 GB | unlimited | 100 MB | unlimited | unlimited |
Multiple selection | up to 100 files | up to 10 files | unlimited | unlimited | unlimited |
Supported file types | all types supported by iOS | all types supported by Android | bmp, gif, jpg, jpeg, png other types will be sent as file attachment | bmp, gif, jpg, jpeg, png, tiff other types will be sent as file attachment | bmp, gif, jpg, jpeg, png other types will be sent as file attachment |
Videos (recording)
iOS App | Android App | Desktop App 4 | Desktop App 3.4.3 | Web Client | |
Max. file size | 512 MB | 512 MB | --- | --- | --- |
Max. duration | 180 sec. | 180 sec. | --- | --- | --- |
Quality | AVAssetExportPresetMediumQuality | max. height / width = 600px | --- | --- | --- |
Created file types | mp4 | mp4 | --- | --- | --- |
Videos (file explorer)
iOS App | Android App | Desktop App 4 | Desktop App 3.4.3 | Web Client | |
Max. file size | 512 MB | 30 MB | 512 MB | unlimited | unlimited |
Max. duration | 180 sec. cuts down longer videos | 180 sec. cuts down longer videos | unlimited | 180 sec. cuts down longer videos | unlimited |
Quality | AVAssetExportPresetMediumQuality | max. height / width = 600px | Medium | Medium | without modification |
Supported file types | all types supported by iOS | all types supported by Android | all video/* mime types | all video/* mime types | all video/* mime types |
Audio (recording)
iOS App | Android App | Desktop App 4 | Desktop App 3.4.3 | Web Client | |
Max. file size | unlimited | unlimited | unlimited | --- | unlimited |
Max. duration | 180 sec. | 180 sec. | 180 sec. | --- | 180 sec. |
Created file types | --- | m4a | mp3 | --- | webm|mp4|ogg |
Audio (file explorer)
iOS App | Android App | Desktop App 4 | Desktop App 3.4.3 | Web Client | |
Max. file size | 30 MB | 30 MB | 30 MB | 10 MB | unlimited |
Supported file types | will be sent as file attachment | will be sent as file attachment | will be sent as file attachment | all audio/* mime types | will be sent as file attachment |
Other file types
iOS App | Android App | Desktop App 4 | Desktop App 3.4.3 | Web Client | |
Max. file size | --- | 10 MB | 50 MB | unlimited | unlimited |
Multiple selection | --- | up to 1 file | unlimited | unlimited | unlimited |
Supported file types | --- | all types supported by Android | all types supported | 3g2, 3ga, 3gp, 7z, aa, aac, ac, accdb, accdt, ace, adn, ai, aif, aifc, aiff, ait, amr, ani, apk, app, applescript, asax, asc, ascx, asf, ash, ashx, asm, asmx, asp, aspx, asx, au, aup, avi, axd, aze, bak, bash, bat, bin, blank, bmp, bowerrc, bpg, browser, bz2, c, cab, cad, caf, cal, cd, cdda, cer, cfg, cfm, cfml, cgi, chm, class, cmd, code-workspace, codekit, coffee, coffeelintignore, com, compile, conf, config, cpp, cptx, cr2, crdownload, crt, crypt, cs, csh, cson, csproj, css, csv, cue, cur, dat, data, db, dbf, deb, dgn, dist, diz, dll, dmg, dng, doc, docb, docm, docx, dot, dotm, dotx, download, dpj, ds_store, dtd, dwg, dxf, editorconfig, el, elf, eml, enc, eot, eps, epub, eslintignore, exe, f4v, fax, fb2, fla, flac, flv, fnt, folder, fon, gadget, gdp, gem, gif, gitattributes, gitignore, go, gpg, gradle, gz, h, handlebars, hbs, heic, hlp, hpp, hs, hsl, htm, html, ibooks, icns, ico, ics, idx, iff, ifo, image, img, iml, in, inc, indd, inf, info, ini, iso, j2, jar, java, jpe, jpeg, jpg, js, json, jsp, jsx, key, kf8, kmk, ksh, kt, kts, kup, less, lex, licx, lisp, lit, lnk, lock, log, lua, m, m2v, m3u, m3u8, m4, m4a, m4r, m4v, map, master, mc, md, mdb, mdf, me, mi, mid, midi, mk, mkv, mm, mng, mo, mobi, mod, mov, mp2, mp3, mp4, mpa, mpd, mpe, mpeg, mpg, mpga, mpp, mpt, msg, msi, msu, nef, nes, nfo, nix, npmignore, ocx, odb, odf, ods, odt, ogg, ogv, ost, otf, otp, ots, ott, ova, ovf, p12, p7b, pages, part, pcd, pdb, pdf, pem, pfx, pgp, ph, phar, php, pkg, pl, plist, pm, png, po, pom, pot, potx, pps, ppsx, ppt, pptm, pptx, prop, ps, ps1, psd, psp, pst, pub, py, pyc, qt, ra, ram, rar, raw, rb, rdf, rdl, reg, resx, retry, rm, rom, rpm, rpt, rsa, rss, rst, rtf, ru, rub, sass, scss, sdf, sed, sh, sit, sitemap, skin, sldm, sldx, sln, sol, sql, sqlite, step, stl, svg, swd, swf, swift, swp, sys, tar, tax, tcsh, tex, tfignore, tga, tgz, tif, tiff, tmp, tmx, torrent, tpl, ts, tsv, ttf, twig, txt, udf, vb, vbproj, vbs, vcd, vcf, vcs, vdi, vdx, vmdk, vob, vox, vscodeignore, vsd, vss, vst, vsx, vtx, war, wav, wbk, webinfo, webm, webp, wma, wmf, wmv, woff, woff2, wps, wsf, xaml, xcf, xlm, xls, xlsm, xlsx, xlt, xltm, xltx, xml, xpi, xps, xrb, xsd, xsl, xspf, xz, yaml, yml, z, zip, zsh | all types supported |