E. Supported Attachments

Version 1.4 by teamwire001 on 2022/03/28 06:47

All supported attachments per Teamwire platform.


 iOS AppAndroid AppDesktop AppWeb Client
Max. file size1 GBunlimitedunlimited---
Multiple selectionup to 100 filesup to 10 filesunlimited---
Supported file typesall types supported by iOSall types supported by Androidbmp, gif, jpg, jpeg, png, tiff
other types will be sent as file attachment


Videos (recording)

 iOS AppAndroid AppDesktop AppWeb Client
Max. file size512 MB512 MB------
Max. duration180 sec.180 sec.------
QualityAVAssetExportPresetMediumQualitymax. height / width = 600px------
Created file typesmp4mp4 ---


Videos (file explorer)

 iOS AppAndroid AppDesktop AppWeb Client
Max. file size512 MB512 MBunlimited---
Max. duration180 sec.
cuts down longer videos
180 sec.
cuts down longer videos
180 sec.
cuts down longer videos
QualityAVAssetExportPresetMediumQualitymax. height / width = 600pxMedium 
Supported file typesall types supported by iOSall types supported by Androidall audio/* mime types 


Audio (recording)

 iOS AppAndroid AppDesktop AppWeb Client
Max. file sizeunlimitedunlimited------
Max. duration180 sec.180 sec.------
Created file types---m4a------


Audio (file explorer)

 iOS AppAndroid AppDesktop AppWeb Client
Max. file size10 MB10 MB10 MB---
Supported file typeswill be sent as file attachmentwill be sent as file attachmentall audio/* mime types---


Other file types

 iOS AppAndroid AppDesktop AppWeb Client
Max. file size---10 MBunlimited---
Multiple selection---up to 1 fileunlimited---
Supported file types---all types supported by Android3g2, 3ga, 3gp, 7z, aa, aac, ac, accdb, accdt, ace, adn, ai, aif, aifc, aiff, ait, amr, ani, apk, app, applescript, asax, asc, ascx, asf, ash, ashx, asm, asmx, asp, aspx, asx, au, aup, avi, axd, aze, bak, bash, bat, bin, blank, bmp, bowerrc, bpg, browser, bz2, c, cab, cad, caf, cal, cd, cdda, cer, cfg, cfm, cfml, cgi, chm, class, cmd, code-workspace, codekit, coffee, coffeelintignore, com, compile, conf, config, cpp, cptx, cr2, crdownload, crt, crypt, cs, csh, cson, csproj, css, csv, cue, cur, dat, data, db, dbf, deb, dgn, dist, diz, dll, dmg, dng, doc, docb, docm, docx, dot, dotm, dotx, download, dpj, ds_store, dtd, dwg, dxf, editorconfig, el, elf, eml, enc, eot, eps, epub, eslintignore, exe, f4v, fax, fb2, fla, flac, flv, fnt, folder, fon, gadget, gdp, gem, gif, gitattributes, gitignore, go, gpg, gradle, gz, h, handlebars, hbs, heic, hlp, hpp, hs, hsl, htm, html, ibooks, icns, ico, ics, idx, iff, ifo, image, img, iml, in, inc, indd, inf, info, ini, iso, j2, jar, java, jpe, jpeg, jpg, js, json, jsp, jsx, key, kf8, kmk, ksh, kt, kts, kup, less, lex, licx, lisp, lit, lnk, lock, log, lua, m, m2v, m3u, m3u8, m4, m4a, m4r, m4v, map, master, mc, md, mdb, mdf, me, mi, mid, midi, mk, mkv, mm, mng, mo, mobi, mod, mov, mp2, mp3, mp4, mpa, mpd, mpe, mpeg, mpg, mpga, mpp, mpt, msg, msi, msu, nef, nes, nfo, nix, npmignore, ocx, odb, odf, ods, odt, ogg, ogv, ost, otf, otp, ots, ott, ova, ovf, p12, p7b, pages, part, pcd, pdb, pdf, pem, pfx, pgp, ph, phar, php, pkg, pl, plist, pm, png, po, pom, pot, potx, pps, ppsx, ppt, pptm, pptx, prop, ps, ps1, psd, psp, pst, pub, py, pyc, qt, ra, ram, rar, raw, rb, rdf, rdl, reg, resx, retry, rm, rom, rpm, rpt, rsa, rss, rst, rtf, ru, rub, sass, scss, sdf, sed, sh, sit, sitemap, skin, sldm, sldx, sln, sol, sql, sqlite, step, stl, svg, swd, swf, swift, swp, sys, tar, tax, tcsh, tex, tfignore, tga, tgz, tif, tiff, tmp, tmx, torrent, tpl, ts, tsv, ttf, twig, txt, udf, vb, vbproj, vbs, vcd, vcf, vcs, vdi, vdx, vmdk, vob, vox, vscodeignore, vsd, vss, vst, vsx, vtx, war, wav, wbk, webinfo, webm, webp, wma, wmf, wmv, woff, woff2, wps, wsf, xaml, xcf, xlm, xls, xlsm, xlsx, xlt, xltm, xltx, xml, xpi, xps, xrb, xsd, xsl, xspf, xz, yaml, yml, z, zip, zsh---