4. Logfile

Version 2.1 by teamwire001 on 2022/07/11 12:04

Regular in-app logfile

Usually you can send logfiles straight from your Teamwire app.

If you happen to run into notably troubles while using Teamwire, please remember the time and date of the event and create a logfile via

> Profile

> About

> Tap the Teamwire logo 8 times to enable the Developer's menu

Go back to Profile and select

> Developer's menu

> Export logs

You will see the share screen for the  logs.zip  file.




Pre-Registration in-app logfile

If you happen to run into troubles during the registration or login process and cannot use the method mentioned above, you are able to create logfiles right from the first screen of the Teamwire app.

Before selecting wheter to Register or Sign in

> Tap the Teamwire logo 8 times to open see a share screen for the  logs.zip  file.




iOS Crashlog

If you happen to be unable to open Teamwire at all to create logfiles in-app, you can retrieve crashlogs from iOS.

Therefore, go to your

> iOS Settings

> Privacy

> Analytics & Improvements

> Analytics Data

Please look for a the  Teamwire-[timestamp].ips  file.